All committees are ultimately accountable to the Board of directors. If justified, committee regions or
others can also be created for specific objectives. They all have the flexibility to establish a steering
committee composed of coordinators, secretaries and Treasurers or as dictated by their needs.
The Executive Committee shall have authority to represent
and to act for the ODID Board in the interval between meetings of that body. The Executive Committee shall
consist of a President, Vice-President (s), and Secretary-Treasurer.
PRESIDENT: The President shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the General
Membership of the organization, shall be responsible for the general operations of the Association, shall
call such meetings of the Board and of the General Membership as are deemed necessary, shall act as
official spokesperson for ODID; and shall perform other duties as directed by the Board of Directors. The
President shall have and exercise general charge, provide direction, and supervision of the affairs of the
organization. The president has ultimate responsibility for leading the organization.
VICE PRESIDENT(S): The Vice-president(s) shall offer leadership to the board of Directors and shall assist
with Program Planning and execution of programs for the organization. The Vice President shall act in
absence of the President, and shall accept other responsibilities and assignments such as the President or
Board of Directors may request.
General Secretary: shall have the oversight of the corporate records and the minutes book of the
Corporation. The Secretary General (or a designee chosen by the Board) shall have the following
responsibilities: shall attend all the meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and
Members of the Corporation; shall keep, or cause to be kept in a book provided for the purpose, a true and
complete record of the proceedings of such meetings; and shall perform a like duty for all standing
committees of the Board of Directors when required. The Secretary shall attend to the giving and serving
of all notices of the Corporation, shall file and take care of all papers and documents belonging to the
Corporation, shall authenticate records of the Corporation as necessary, and shall perform such other
duties as may be required by the Code of By-Laws or as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or
the President. The Secretary shall keep correct and complete records of account, showing accurately at all
times the financial condition of the Corporation.
The Treasurer: shall be the legal custodian of all monies, notes, securities and other valuables, which may
from time to time come into the possession of the Corporation. All funds of the Corporation coming into
the Treasurer's hands shall be immediately deposited in some reliable banks or other depository with the
approval of the Board of Directors, and shall keep such bank accounts in the name of the Corporation.
The Treasurer shall provide a semi-annual statement to the Board of Directors, and an annual statement to
the Members, of the financial condition of the Corporation and shall perform such other duties as may be
required by this Code of By-Laws or as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or the President.
ASSISTANT OFFICERS: The Board of Directors may from time to time designate assistant or co-officers who
shall exercise and perform such powers and duties as the officers whom they are elected to assist shall
specify and delegate to them, and such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Code of By-
Laws, the Board of Directors or the President.
ADMINISTRATIVE COMITTEES: The following standing committees are established and chaired by a
Board member. They include: Fund Development, Promotion/Marketing, Finance, Bylaws, Membership,
Newsletter and Merchandising. The appointment of membership to these committees will be as prescribed in the
bylaws. Special committees shall be appointed as needed.
If you have any questions, please send us an email
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